Spectral Class
Apparent diameter
Habitable Zone
0.663 dsol
-26.49 (apparent)
+3.94 (absolute)
1.2206 Msol
2.42716 x 1030 kg
1.120 Rsol
779,901 km
2.220 Lsol
8.538 x 1026 W
0.868 ρsol
1.222 g/cm3
6661 K
1.421 - 2.046 AU
4.2 billion years
General Characteristics
The Sun is an F-type main sequence star that constitutes over 99% of the mass of the planetary system. It is mostly comprised of hydrogen and helium plus an assortment of various trace elements. It’s radius is over 122 times that of Home World, making it easily the largest object known to humankind. With an absolute magnitude of TBC, and an apparent magnitude of TBC, the Sun is by far the brightest object in it’s stellar neighbourhood and the brightest object in the night sky of the Home World.
Formation & Life Cycle
The Sun formed 4.2 billion year ago from the collapse of part of a giant molecular cloud. 100 million years or so thereafter, the Home World formed. The Sun is approximately three-quarters of the way through it’s main-sequence lifespan. It will continue to grow larger, hotter and more luminous over the next 1.299 billion years until it finally exits the main sequence, becoming a giant star and thereafter a white dwarf. Home World will not survive after the Sun exits the main sequence.
““We believe it to be older, than previously thought””
Cultural Aspects